Market Vendor Applications

We use the 3rd party service, Manage My Market, for all applications. Please keep in mind that we will not ask you to apply any other way, especially on any social media platform. If you have any questions, please email us directly at

The link to apply can be found here.


1. The $50 Application Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. The application fee is non-refundable even if a vendor is not accepted into the market. If you have questions as to whether or not your products will be accepted into the market, we encourage you to email us at before applying.

2. We are an Agricultural Cooperative. We put a priority on accepting vendors who are growers or who are producers of food related products. As such, we do not accept the following types of vendors/companies:

  • Professional companies (insurance, dentists, construction, window companies, chiropractors, yoga instructors, martial arts, etc).

  • Political organizations.

  • Religious organizations.

  • Crafts, candles, t-shirts, bags, bric-a-brac, jewelry or clothing of any kind.

  • CBD and related products.

  • Food trucks.

  • Music performers.

3. SUNDAY MARKET: As we have many returning vendors for the 2025 market season we will likely not be accepting applications from vendors selling the following products: Mushrooms (fresh or dried), tamales, burritos, coffee, beef, bison, pork, salsa, hot sauce, honey products, popcorn, or jams /jellies. Please keep this in mind when applying.

We are currently searching for a kombucha vendor for Sunday and Weds markets.

4. WEDNESDAY MARKET: We will likely not be accepting applications for the following vendors / products: etc) Mushrooms (fresh or dried), tamales, burritos, salsa, jams/jellies or honey products.

5. Vendors must be growers or producers of the products they sell. Vendors who simply repackage products they buy at wholesale, or use a co-packer, are not accepted.

6. On your vendor profile page, make sure to list all your products separately (even if you have dozens of products). Do not group products into one category.

7. All vendors are required to have a Fort Collins Sales Tax License, liability insurance, Cottage Foods Certificate or Retail Food Establishment License, Special Events License, or a Manufactured Foods License.

8. Electricity is not available for vendors.

The number of farmers’ markets is growing across America as more consumers become interested in buying fresher produce and supporting local farmers.

An added benefit is that well-run farmers’ markets can be educational, and are always fun!

Farmers’ Markets offer the consumer the opportunity to support local farmers and ranchers by purchasing fresh products directly from the producer.

CAMC was organized as an agricultural cooperative in 1984 with each member agreeing to contribute their skills to the operation and success of the markets.

Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for local producers of agricultural products to market their goods, promote local production of commodities, and serve as a model for other communities.

The Colorado Agricultural Marketing Cooperative offers two markets to local growers and consumers.

(Emphasis on local here, as produce, is restricted to Colorado-grown). Those markets are Sunday, and Wednesday, from 10-2 in Fort Collins.

9. To apply, please visit our page on Manage My Market and follow the steps. Thank you for your interest!

Thank you,

Fort Collins Farmers Market